Monday, December 12, 2011

Keeping LOVE alive...

Recently there has been a very tensing thought on my mind, “how do you know you’ve met the ‘one’?”
We are so preprogrammed by things like the media, family, friends, etc. to believe that there is going to be this special moment where everything insides you fizzle and the world glows with a new light. So, what happens when that moment passes? Does that mean the person you’ve shared that moment with is no longer the “one?”
I refuse to believe that. I am twenty-two years young and have loved and lost, but I refuse to complain, because it was always worth it. It wasn’t until a year and some months ago that I decided to fully commit myself to one person. It has been an adventure. Yet, it has honestly made me want to become a better person. Not necessarily just for him, but because naturally when you are in a happier place you become a happier person and are more motivated to become more than you were.
Some people never find true love, or find it and give it up easily because it’s too much hard work. All relationships are work. All relationships are get and give. I realize that now, after trials and tribulations that I have received a blessing so beautiful. To not only have fallen in love, but to do it over and over again with the same person, it’s magical.  No matter what issues have arisen, love has conquered and we’ve managed to overcome them. There is no spark that we have to keep relighting, there is no fizzle, and there is no pop. There is just us, constantly finding ways to make the other fall deeper in love.
We wonder how people stay in love so long, stay married so long, stay true so long, I have come to the conclusion that we forget what being there in that moment is like. We forget to do the things that got us to being in love in the first place. The easiest way to stay in love is to remember how you got there. Through the bad times, remember the good. Love exists; we just have to keep it alive…

Until next time…
Lissa Marie

Monday, November 7, 2011

Are You Cyber Single...

Are you cyber single? You don’t know if this applies to you? Well read on, and let’s clear it up. I define cheating as the act of doing anything you cannot do in front of your significant other.

Still not sure?

Are you the person that loves your Him/Her, but as soon as you pick up your phone or open your laptop and log onto facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. you’re as single as a dollar bill… This goes out to you!

This is where the problem sets in, there is nothing wrong with having social networks, lets just stop abusing them. If you get on the computer with the sole intention of getting the attention of the opposite sex, yet you’re in a relationship, you my friend are cyber single.

First thing is if you want to be single, be single, it is that simple. Stop causing the unneeded heartbreaks and headaches that have already made our generation so insecure.  Save someone the embarrassment of being in love with someone who is only willing to claim him or her on his or her terms. Being in a relationship you have to be considerate of the other’s feelings.

Secondly more time than none, you are flirting with a fantasy. Yeah, I said it. Once these people find out what you look like in real life, your real attitude, and your personality is flat, they are not going to want you. I understand that the social networks have created an outlet for you to display the alternate you, but if you need to let that “person” come out, do it in the bedroom, ROLE PLAY!

No, seriously, the things that are hidden in instant messages, direct messages, direct mail, e-mail, and everything in between is bound to be revealed at some point. If you have to hide it from your spouse, maybe you don’t need a spouse. Abusing monogamy via social networks has spread quicker than any other virus; luckily you’re not catching anything other than a flirtatious gesture.

As young men and women in these times that our technological advances have tremendously bypassed our moral standards we have to have more self-control. It is so unnecessary to share yourself with so many people especially when you’ve already found that “special someone.” We seriously as a whole have to do better for the sake of relationships. Remember just because its there doesn’t mean you have to partake in it. Just because someone writes you doesn’t mean you have to write him or her back.

Discipline is everything in a world of temptations

Until next time...
<3 Marie